Discounts updated!
Now get 1$ off shipping for any item in your cart starting from 5 items all the way up to 40 items ANY ITEM, protopasta coils, torches, cutters, nerf…ANYTHING
Furthermore Get
5$ off shipping for 5 items
10$ off shipping for 10 items
20$ off shipping for 20 items
30$ off shipping for 30 items
40$ off shipping for 40 items
This will “loose” me about 17000-20000$ per month as that’s on average how many rolls / products sell monthly, so the viability of this will be tested.
the goal is to lower shipping prices to bring up more orders to cover the losses made by this, it’s basically “self sustaining” if orders continually keep coming in.
In a sense the more orders I get the better rates I can get with shipping agents, lowering the price even further in the future.
Why have a sale when you can make shipping free? This will make you think your saving more money but actually due to no longer having any product discounts on the store this actually comes out cheaper then having a sale on my end anddddd this stops more people from choosing pickups, saving more of my time and money.
This is short term revenue loss for potentially huge rises in orders.
The economics of this broken down for you and for me.
When a normal sale is on, I have rolls from 16.99 drop to 14.99. That’s a 2$ drop around 11.7% cheaper.
You go to the check out and bang your hit with shipping.
Let’s say you’re trying to get 20 rolls, that will be most likely 10-15$ for shipping in metro areas.
That 299.80 has become 314.8 assuming shipping is 15$.
Your brain does some quick math and says welll that’s not much cheaper that’s still 15.74$ per roll delivered on a “large sale”
This also devalues the product making you think it’s shitter due to the price drop when it’s just the same thing but overstocked.
I also still technically lost the 40$ of discounts on the rolls and you still “payed shipping” and it looks a bit clunky when you get slugged with a massive shipping fee after a sale.
Now instead, you use the new pricing. The rolls stay at 16.99$ but since it’s 1$ off per roll for shipping, the discount will only apply to the first 15$ of the order, after that the shipping is already free and cannot be discounted any further, that 5$ of unused discounts go back into my pocket 🤑
You pay 339.80 and I loose just 15$ on shipping instead of 40$ on the products themselves.
But you get your “free shipping” meaning you pay the price that’s always displayed and there’s no suprises, I’ve been testing this out for a while and that’s my conclusion I’ve come too. And the order statistics speak for themselves and back these claims up 🤣
That’s a pretty terrible example but you got to understand that you’re getting discounts off every single item, and not having to rely on a sale or a discounted batch like it was originally. Also there are still discounted items such as the dodgy abs and silk plas and miscoloured filaments which you can add to the order and still get another 1$ off the
Shipping it’s a no brainer!
So basically instead of having discounts on a select few items, it’s shared across multiple items. Hence why this could be such a great move. Also with stable pricing you can always rely on the filament being the same price unlike Sydney’s property prices.