Price drops on most filaments and why I do no branding

Price drops on most filaments and why I do no branding

Silk PLA now 19.99 instead of 21.99

Polyrange matte plas now 17.99 instead of 21.99

Dual and tri now 23.99 instead of 26.99

Polyrange abs now 17.99 instead of 18.99

Wood PLA PETG ABS now 19.99 instead of 21.99

CF PLA now 19.99 instead of 21.99

All yousu now 26.99

Polyrange Petg now 17.99 instead of 18.99

This is being trialed to see how it will compare to the higher pricing and free shipping. So for the time being free shipping has been disabled

The reason for the price drop is the fact that more stores have popped up selling filament and this has led to competition which is great! But this also meant the whole point of siddament being cheap, was slipping away. 

This price drop has wiped off essentially 120k off the inventory value, its quite the drop and it is currently sustainable. the pricing may change back to its original at anytime.

Why arent boxes branded or spools themselves covered in custom stuff?
This is a surprisingly common question, to customize boxes it costs around 70-80cents, to customize a spool its also very similar thats around 1.4-1.6$ extra to have a bunch of ink slapped on spools and boxes that you will toss away. Like whos keeping the filament boxes and empty spools? there is no point in branding them as they are going to be tossed once they are used. The only branding you will see is the filament label with the siddament logo on them and the shipping boxes I use to get the filament from my factory. All boxes are reused to minimize wastage for last mile post. So instead of spending a extra 1.4$ I opt out of it and pass the savings on. But the new plastic spools do cost an extra 80c as they are clear plastic. If I had gotten black plastic it would have been free, but the black plastic isnt as strong or as heat resistant as the new clear plastic spools.
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I have to try and maximise my profits by buying the cheapest filaments available, but way more than that I need to have them available to purchase ASAP to fulfil orders that come in last minute. Just a thought, but perhaps look into demand management for stocking, and maybe look at twice a month?
I have to say that I deeply grateful that you’re so honest, and show great integrity. It engenders a huge amount of relatability, and therefore loyalty. I always check Siddament first before ordering, and if it’s not urgent, I’ll just wait… would be nice to know an estimate of how long to wait though.


I like the minimal branding, it also means i can reuse some of your boxs whereas exta branding means other boxs are thrown away as soon as they are opened.

Blake Batten

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