Transmission Distance and Hex codes Revamp

Transmission Distance and Hex codes Revamp

After the change over to plastic spools, the filaments have all been tested using AJAX's TD sensor, this helps all the hueforge users to buy the filament and load it straight into hue forge without doing TD test prints! This unit will also be sold shortly on its own for 59,99$ so you can scan other filaments and load them into hueforge yourself too!

you can find most TDs on the first line of the filament product page next to the hex code.

Speaking of hex codes, the filaments are now properly displayed with the true colour using a nix mini 3 colour scanner to get the most accurate colours. * the most accurate colours are displayed on the renders with the clear plastic spools, the cardboard spooled photos are still accurate but not as precise as the clear plastic ones.
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