Discounted shipping is here to stay!

Due to the shopifys new 30 automatic discount codes. The discounted shipping is back!

For the time being get

2$ off for ANY 2 items
5$ off for ANY 5 items
$ off for ANY 10 items
20$ off for ANY 20 items

This will then change to 1
-25$ off once they update the 30 code discount so any order with any quantity the 25 rolls will have a discount of the cart items total - shipping above that there wll be a 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 roll order discounts
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Is there a page with the shipping rates? Or calculated at check out? ie: trial and error for the lowest shipping cost per roll.


Is there a page with the shipping rates? Or calculated at check out? ie: trial and error for the lowest shipping cost per roll.


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