The reason why Siddament is so successful is also the reason why there's no stock. With Siddament, due to the pricing being quite low compared to others, people tend to either buy one or two rolls or buy the entire stock on short notice. With the margins being low, I rely on the sold stock to pay for new stock. hence why most of the colours that are not white black or grey stay instock year round. I can go out and buy tons of black, white and grey pla and it would work great! but I would then have no stock of other colours, its a balancing act I'm still trying to solve. I did have it solved but due to the issues stated below it fell apart quite quickly. Going forward stock will be increasing with new materials, suppliers and blends of colours, I can guarantee that I'm purchasing stock to replenish out of stock items on a weekly basis, but once its with the shipping company its pretty much out of my hands and in the hands of the logistics company and my FAVOURITE PEOPLE the Australian border force and import tax collectors.
At the end of last year, I had said the stock situation would be improving, that has been true but due to uncontrollable port delays, protests in ports, port strikes. These knocked back quite a lot of shipments.
This caused the ports to be flooded more then usual and this meant that during Peak times such as Christmas, New years, Australia day, More protests, Chinese New year and other holidays. The ports were not functional. This has created quite the backlog and basically any shipment coming to the Port of Botany (Sydney) has been kind of hit and miss as opposed to other ports around Australia. Honestly a skill issue, If I was located in another state this would probably not have happened.
I had multiple orders ready on ships that had to be unloaded back in China due to these delays. Hence this month will be a tough one for restocks. I did have 8 tons ordered for the month of March but with the delays these will now be coming mid march and early April.
You may question why there's such a limited amount of products on each restock and not tons and tons of matte black for example but this relates to the thin margins kept on the filaments to keep them cheap. If the price was increased I could but more filaments on every other order.
This blog post is a jumbled mess, but its the best I can explain it relating to the current situations being faced.
If I did increase the price to say 24$ a roll for matte pla I can get the rolls air expressed via a plane in as little as 3-4 days but that would defeat the goal of Siddament. I may create a spin off company doing just this, so when I'm out of stock I can link that page with the items always instock.
With my orders getting bigger and bigger from my main factory, its also taking them longer to make and produce them as I tend to order around 100-120 variants on each one.

Preorders may return for higher priced items like PET CF and Nylon 6cf but for the time being its disabled as orders tend to pile up causing more stress when a new shipment comes in to get it out on time.
Out of curiosity would pre-orders be possible in the future?