Slicer settings issue! It will be fixed 23rd April!

Slicer settings issue! It will be fixed 23rd April!

Hey everyone, this is a very old post but I had never gone about fixing it as the slicer config export structure for the newer Bambu versions has changed.


currently the petg profile will not load due to a error in the config (this happened as I added the x1e directly into the configuration file instead of exporting it and redoing the settings)


I will be getting a x1e to test filaments on as quite a few commercial clients run those and it’s better to have profiles remade for those printers.

All slicer settings will be updated shortly so please reinstall them on the 23rd of April.


The new configs should allow you to name the ams filaments directly to the slicer.


this issue has been around since 6 months, as well as the CF PLA issue where the normal matte pla which is non abrasive was exported with pla cf selected in the material, once again due to the change in the file structure, I could not change it hence why it was not fixed.


I have been spending most of my time on QOL upgrades for the site around 1-3 hours each day of rendering cleaner more accurate photos as well as adding easier navigation. as well as 3-4 hours packing the 40+ orders a day (THANK YOU🫡)

The renders were supposed to make taking photos easier but it’s become its own challenge as I end up making cool shit and cool colours in blender which I then stock, hence the polyrange expansion as well as the translucent lines of filament and the new tool company colours.


so for the last 6 months is basically been the same cycle, without going to off track like all the blog posts, I have finally set aside time to fix the slicer issues and also if you do find other issues on the site or have improvement ideas, please email them to me! I check them all and some of the best QOL features have come due to feedback, that includes the all new search function with colours and the new swatches on each filament while keeping the easy to scroll and add to cart page layout, the best of both worlds!


ah now this blog post has completely gone sideways, till the next issue or cool shit happens 🤙~ 4:43am post music festival Sidd 

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