Bed Adhesion Powder and Premixes

GhettoGoop 3D Printer Bed Adhesive is a cutting-edge solution designed to enhance adhesion and promote successful 3D printing. This adhesive is specially formulated to ensure your prints stick securely to the print bed, reducing warping and ensuring a smooth printing experience.

Key Features:

Advanced Adhesion: GhettoGoop 3D Printer Bed Adhesive creates a strong bond between your 3D prints and the print bed surface, minimizing the risk of prints detaching during the printing process.

Easy Application: The adhesive is designed for easy application. Simply apply a thin, even layer onto the print bed using the provided bottle or a suitable tool.

Reduced Warping: By providing a reliable foundation for your prints, GhettoGoop adhesive helps prevent warping and curling, resulting in more accurate and successful 3D prints.

Compatibility: GhettoGoop adhesive is compatible with various 3D printer bed materials, including glass, aluminum, and heated beds, making it versatile for a wide range of printer setups.

Easy Removal: Once your print is complete and the bed has cooled down, prints can be easily removed without excessive force, thanks to the adhesive's controlled grip.

Application Instructions:

Clean the Print Bed: Ensure your print bed is clean and free of debris or previous adhesive residue.

Shake Well: Shake the GhettoGoop adhesive bottle well before each use.

Apply Thin Layer: Using the included bottle tip or a tool of your choice, apply a thin and even layer of adhesive onto the print bed. Avoid applying too much, as excessive adhesive may lead to difficulties in print removal.

Start Printing: Once the adhesive is applied, start your 3D printing process as usual. The adhesive will help ensure proper adhesion throughout the print.

Print Removal: After the print is finished and the print bed has cooled down, gently remove the print. If necessary, use a spatula or similar tool to aid in the removal process.

Safety Precautions:

Use the adhesive in a well-ventilated area to minimize fume exposure.

Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water.

Keep the adhesive out of reach of children and pets.